IAG2025 Institute of Australian Geographer’s Conference 30 June – 5 July 2025 City Hall and NUspace, Newcastle, NSW

Banner design and artwork by Jess Lemire

The Conference

IAG2025 Institute of Australian Geographer’s Conference, will be held at City Hall and NUspace Newcastle, NSW from the 30 June – 5 July 2025.

The theme of the Conference is Emergent Geographies.

We are at a point in time where we must urgently address global challenges such as climate change, transition, biodiversity, the rights of nature, urbanisation, sustainability, the importance of Indigenous knowledge, and human-environment interactions.

An emergent geographies acknowledges the ways these challenges arise out of complex interactions and behaviours that require greater emphasis on interdisciplinary thinking and approaches. Emergent geographies allow us to interrogate both the fledgling ideas and the burning passions that make the study of all things geographic an exciting prospect for all of us.

We are ever mindful of the need to recognise and incorporate into our work respectful consideration of culture, justice, equity, gender, power, knowledge, and the relationships between and rights of humans and the more-than-human world. As such, we invite you to join us as we meet as a community of practice to think deeply about current and developing issues, and workshop ideas and solutions that allow us to stake our claim as important decision-makers.

Join us and be energised by the interdisciplinary qualities of geography. Uniquely situated for researchers, policy experts, spatial professionals, and many others, the discipline of geography can provide theoretical and practical ideas about how to build resilient communities into the future.

Institute of Australian Geographers

About Institute of Australian Geographers

The Institute of Australian Geographers Incorporated is a professional body representing geographers and promoting the study and application of geography in Australia. Members are geography academics, teachers, and practising geographers from both the public and private spheres, and other interested members of the public.

Key Dates

Call for Sessions Open: Monday 27 January 2025
Call for Sessions Notification: March 7 2025
Abstracts Open: March 2025
Registration Available: March 2025
Closing Date for Abstracts: Friday 11 April 2025
Abstract Notifications: May 2025
Early & Author Registrations Deadline: Friday 16 May 2025
Program Released: May 2025

Expression of interest

Fill in the expression of interest form to be kept up to date with information on the IAG2025 Institute of Australian Geographer’s Conference.

Destination Newcastle

There are few cities in the world beyond Newcastle that can say their city centre is surrounded by eight beaches. Merewether, Newcastle, Nobbys, and Bar Beach in particular are popular surfing and fishing locations…

IAG Equity Statement at IAG Conferences

The IAG conference space aims to be a convivial, intellectually stimulating, inclusive, diverse, and safe space where everybody feels equally welcome. Creating such a space is the responsibility of everyone, even as we recognise that it can be quite difficult and challenging to put into practice, given complex intersections of race, Indigeneity, ethnicity, disability, neurodiversity, gender, sexuality, sex characteristics, class, caste, skin colour, age, citizenship/visa status, nationality and religion, for example.

Geographers who explore place, space and scale as sites of differences, encounters, justices and progressive political imaginaries emphasise the importance of practices that create everyday equalities. Central to equality is dignity, respect, generosity, collegiality, shared responsibility and the deferral of quick judgements.

During the conference we ask you to be mindful of these principles as we act and engage individually and collectively in often unfamiliar environments and in passionate scholarship. Proactively watch out for those who stand on the sidelines who might feel hypervisible, invisible, hurt, unsafe, harassed or discriminated against by our everyday acts and environments. It is our responsibility as geographers to ensure equity, diversity and inclusion. We welcome feedback (at the time or privately) as part of our individual and disciplinary learning.

Some suggestions for more equitable and safer spaces at the IAG conference might include

  • When presenting, situate yourself in relation to your research interests, topic, participants, and the places in which you live and work.
  • In sessions, pay attention to when and how much you are speaking.
  • In sessions, ask generative questions with curiosity, humility and respect.


Conference Commences in...








Acknowledgement of Country

The Conference organising committee acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country of the University of Newcastle Nuspace campus, the Awabakal and Worimi peoples. We recognise their continuing care for Country including the lands, waters, skies and communities in this place.  We pay our respect to Elders past and present.  This place is a meeting place where waters, lands and people have come together and shared knowledge.  Our conference seeks to continue practices of knowledge sharing which nurture emergent geographies.  We recognise that First Nations sovereignty was never ceded.  This place always was, always will be Aboriginal Land.  We extend this respect to all First Nations people and Country itself across the continent.

Conference Managers

East Coast Conferences

Amy McIntosh, Jayne Hindle, Jasmine Durbidge

Phone: (61-2) 6650 9800
Mobile: 0408 220 188
Postal: PO Box 848, Coffs Harbour, NSW, 2450 Australia
ABN: 56 515 955 798 (East Coast Conferences)